
Teacher Pledge

Up to 2 years of tuition at in-state rate

If you pledge to teach in Wisconsin for 3-4 years post-graduation (most educators in positions related to language only have a 3-year requirement), tuition will be covered for the 2 years you are in the teacher preparation program (usually junior and senior years).

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Check out the interview with Kimber Wilkerson to learn more!


All School Undergraduate and Teacher Education Scholarships


This is a general application to be considered for most School of Education scholarships. “Please note that per donor request, the vast majority of scholarships are awarded to students already admitted to their program, which typically occurs heading into a student’s junior year. A few departments award scholarships to freshmen, sophomores, or even incoming freshmen; students will have access to these based on their incoming major intent. There are also several scholarships based on financial need.”

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Subpage for Those Pursuing Curriculum and Instruction Degrees (most of the teaching licensure programs)


POSSE Program

Full Tuition

“Posse identifies public high school students with extraordinary academic and leadership potential who may be overlooked by traditional college selection processes. Posse extends to these students the opportunity to pursue personal and academic excellence by placing them in supportive, diverse teams—Posses—of 10 students. Posse partner colleges and universities award Posse Scholars four-year, full-tuition leadership scholarships.”

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Claire Shaffer Study Abroad Award


“…available to UW-Madison undergraduate students pursuing degrees in the School of Education who are studying abroad on an IAP program. Any School of Education undergraduate, including students in "pre" status (e.g., pre-Elementary Education, pre-Kinesiology), students earning the Certificate in Educational Policy Studies, or the Certificate in Education and Educational Services are eligible to apply.”

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Bucky’s Tuition Promise

Full Tuition

“The program guarantees scholarships and grants to pay for tuition & segregated fees for students whose household adjusted gross income (AGI) is $60,000 or less. Incoming freshmen will receive eight (8) consecutive semesters (4 years) of free tuition & segregated fees and transfer students will receive four (4) semesters (2 years).”

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Full Tuition

“FASTrack, or the Financial Aid Security Track, is designed to assist Wisconsin students from low-income households pay for college through a combination of grants, scholarships, and work-study. It includes a commitment to meeting a student’s financial need for four consecutive years for incoming freshmen or two years for new transfer students.”

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PEOPLE Scholars

Full Tuition

“We accept students in 8th grade only. The program is designed for low-income and potential first generation college students. These populations have traditionally been overlooked and underserved for college admissions. Their journey in PEOPLE prepares them to be a viable college candidate, apply for admission to, and enroll at the University of Wisconsin System institution, with an emphasis on UW-Madison. Students who enroll at UW-Madison may be eligible for a four-year tuition scholarship.”

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Lois E. Hack Study Abroad Scholarship


“…available to UW-Madison undergraduate students pursuing degrees in the School of Education who are studying abroad on an IAP program. Any School of Education undergraduate, including students in "pre" status (e.g., pre-Elementary Education, pre-Kinesiology), students earning the Certificate in Educational Policy Studies, or the Certificate in Education and Educational Services are eligible to apply. Preference will be given to applicants for whom this would be their first study abroad experience, as well as for students on a program to Africa, Asia, or Latin America.”

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Badger Promise

Full Tuition

“…a commitment to Wisconsin resident, first-generation college students. The program guarantees a period of free tuition and segregated fees to those who have successfully transferred from any of the two-year UW Branch campuses (formerly UW Colleges) or from liberal arts associate degree programs at Madison College (Madison Area Technical College), Milwaukee Area Technical College, Western Technical College, Nicolet College, the College of Menominee Nation, the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College, and Chippewa Valley Technical College.”

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Full Tuition

“BANNER, or Badger Aid for Nonresidents, is designed to assist students in some of UW-Madison's DDEEA programs and MN residents whose family receives public assistance pay for college through a combination of grants, scholarships, work-study, and some loan. It includes a commitment to meeting a student’s financial need for four consecutive years for incoming freshmen or two years for new transfer students.”

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Mercile J. Lee Scholars Program

Full Tuition

“As one of the campus’s strategic initiatives, the Chancellor's and Powers-Knapp scholarships help attract and develop gifted and talented individuals from underrepresented minority groups and educationally/culturally disadvantaged backgrounds.”

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Wisconsin International Scholars Program


“an undergraduate enrichment program for students interested in global affairs, cultures, and languages. Students making satisfactory progress in the program are eligible for $2,000 in two study abroad grants, to be applied toward one short-term and one long-term UW-Madison study abroad program. Students apply to the WISc Program as incoming freshmen, before arriving at UW-Madison.”

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Global Gateway Fellowships


“The Global Gateway Initiative makes study abroad and away accessible to students with demonstrated financial need through two different avenues: Summer programs and Fellowships. All students participate in pre- and post-program engagements and onsite activities to integrate their time away with academics and professional development. We strive to embody the Wisconsin Idea by encouraging students to share their experiences and knowledge gained to positively impact the UW-Madison community, Wisconsin, and beyond.”

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